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Acidity and Total Bacteria of Dairy Wastewater Solid and Cassava Waste Flour Mixture Fermented by Aspergillus niger as Broiler Feed

Acidity and Total Bacteria of Dairy Wastewater Solid and Cassava Waste Flour Mixture Fermented by Aspergillus niger as Broiler Feed
Eulis Tanti Marlina, Roostita L Balia, Yuli Astuti Hidayati
Proceeding International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (ICSAFS), Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia
Eulis Tanti Marlina, Roostita L Balia, Yuli Astuti Hidayati, (ICSAFS), Universitas Padjadjaran Indonesia
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This research aim to know the effect of Dairy Waste Water Solid-Cassaca Waste Mixed ferme2nted by Aspergillus niger on pH and Total Plate Count. This experimental research was arranged based on Completly Randomized Design, with 4 treatment of inoculant doses : 0%, 0,4%, 0,5% and 0,6% and each of them was replicated 6 times, with fermentation time 3 days. The data was statistically analized by using Analize of Variance, then the different of treatment analized by Duncan Multiple Range. The result of research showed that, 1) Fermentation by Aspergillus niger highly significant (P<0,01) decrease pH and Total Bacteria, 2) Inoculant doses 0,6% lowest decrease of pH and total bacteria with pH 3,8 and decreasing of total bacteria 84,4%. At low pH condition spoilage and patogen bacteria stunted.