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Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Gambaran Organizational Commitment Karyawan Tetap Pada Tahap Usia Stabilization Stage Dan Maintenance Stage Di PT.Bank Central Asia,Tbk Kota Tasikmalaya

Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Gambaran Organizational Commitment Karyawan Tetap Pada Tahap Usia Stabilization Stage Dan Maintenance Stage Di PT.Bank Central Asia,Tbk Kota Tasikmalaya
Karina Nur Herdiyanti, Dr. Zahrotur Rusyda Hinduan S.Psi., MOP.
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
, ,

In an organization, the commitment to the employees is needed. Particularly, for the permanent employees who have worked for more than ten years, they should have had commitment with the company. The permanent employees who have worked for more than ten years, most of them have entered old period, in range of 45 – 55until retired period. In that period someone is in the top career to keep his position at that time. The company has target that must be reached by the employees. Practically, the permanent employees of PT. Bank Central Asia,TbkTasikmalaya City have different commitment to reach the goal of the company. According to Allen and Meyer 1997 commitment is divided into three types; affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. This research uses non-experimental method, with design of research uses descriptive study method. In this research, instrumet that is used as refference is questionnaire of organizational commitment which is developed from thetheory of organizational commitment by Meyer and Allen (1991) . Questionnaire which is used is the type Self Administrated Questionnaire, it is the type questionnaire which is filled by respondent. The result is commitment that dominates in the permanent employees of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Tasikmalaya city is continuance commitment, it means that the permanent employees of PT.Bank Central Asia,Tbk Tasikmalaya City still defend with their job, because they still need it. In their age period, it is hard to get job in other places.

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