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Seleksi Sel Kedelai (Glycine max, Merr. Kultivar Cikuray) yang Toleran terhadap NaCl pada Kultur Suspensi yang Mengandung Vitamin B51

Seleksi Sel Kedelai (Glycine max, Merr. Kultivar Cikuray) yang Toleran terhadap NaCl pada Kultur Suspensi yang Mengandung Vitamin B51
Tia Setiawati, Salamah Sanoesi Dan Danny Septana Wahidi
Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unpad
Tia Setiawati, Salamah Sanoesi Dan Danny Septana Wahidi, Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Unpad
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The research about cell selection of Cikuray soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr) which tolerant to NaCl in suspension culture contained B51 vitamine was carried out. The experiment use experimental method, factorial completely randomized design with two factors. They were NaCl concentrations (0,00%; 0,25%; 0,5%; 0,75%; 1,00%; 1,25% and 1,50%), and vitamine (B5 vitamine as controle, and B51 vitamine). Friable callus used to make suspension culture obtained by planting hipocotile of soybean seedling on B5 solid medium with addition of 3,5 mg/ L 2,4-D. The result showed that addition of NaCl on B5 liquid medium contained B51 vitamine influenced cells growth. The soybean cells still tolerant to 1,50% concentration of NaCl. There were interaction between the addition of B51 vitamine with 1,25% concentration of NaCl at 3rd day, with 1,00% concentration of NaCl at 6th day with 1,50% concentration of NaCl at 9th 1 day to cells number. Also with 0,50% concentration of NaCl to cells viability at 9th day, and with 1,00% concentration of NaCl to dry weight of cells at 9th day.

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