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Yetty Herdiyati, Eriska Riyanti, Diah Prastuti, Prima Andisetyanto
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Yetty Herdiyati, Eriska Riyanti, Diah Prastuti, Prima Andisetyanto , International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Dental caries Is local destruction of hard tissue of the teeth by acid from carbohydrate fermentation by bacteria. Defined as loss of mineral ion continuity on the crown or the root stimulated by oral bacteria and its biologic products.Povidone iodine is antimicroba widely used in dentistry with broad spectrum activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of povidone iodine in preventing caries. True experimental study on 60 lower anterior deciduous teeth soaked in artificial saliva enriched with Streptococcus mutans and 2% sucrose for 3 weeks in vitro, then evaluated clinically and microscopically using scanning electron microscope. Kruskall-Wallis non parametric test and Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test used to evaluate the difference of caries inhibition between povidone iodine group and control group. Statistic test using Kruskall-Wallis test for clinical evaluation showed significant result with p-value 0,0020 (α<0,05) between control grup and treated grup,and for SEM evaluation showed not significant result with 0,0862 (α<0,05). Statistic test using Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test showed there Is significant clinically difference between control group and povidone iodi ne group, and control group. But there is no significantly difference clinically and SEM between povidone iodine group and control group with α<0,05 (95%). Conclusion Of this research is povidone iodine is effective to inhibits caries in in vitro study.