Pengaruh Iklim Psikologis Terhadap Motivasi Kerja
Adinda Intan Pertiwi
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
goal setting theory, Iklim Psikologis, motivasi kerja, Psychological Climate, work motivation
Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bandung Barat (Dinkes KBB) adalah Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang bertugas untuk menyediakan dan memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dalam area kesehatan. Tugas dan fungsinya sangat penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat sehingga pegawai Dinas Kesehatan perlu memberikan performa kerja yang maksimal dalam pelayanannya. Berdasarkan pengambilan data awal, pegawai Dinkes KBB menyatakan sejumlah keluhan ketika mereka berinteraksi dengan elemen-elemen organisasi. Motivasi kerja pegawai juga nampak belum optimal sehingga mempengaruhi performa kerja mereka untuk menjalankan program kerja. Berdasarkan data ini maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh iklim psikologis terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai Dinkes KBB dengan pendekatan goal setting theory. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan hypothetico deductive dengan metode kausalitas non eksperimental. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik self report dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Jenis teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah proportionate sampling method di mana partisipan diambil dari setiap stratum dalam proporsi yang representatif terhadap populasi. Total jumlah partisipan adalah sebanyak 61 orang. Data diolah menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dengan bantuan program SPSS 20 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi positif antara kedua variabel namun iklim psikologis tidak berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai Dinkes KBB. Iklim psikologis dipersepsi moderately favorable dan motivasi kerja pegawai tergolong kategori sedang/moderat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka disusun sebuah rancangan intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan baik iklim psikologis maupun motivasi kerja pegawai sehingga tetap dapat dilakukan upaya optimalisasi performa kerja pegawai Dinkes KBB. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah melibatkan variabel work attitude yang dapat menjadi perantara iklim psikologis dan motivasi kerja.
Health Department of West Bandung District was an official section assigned to provide and to serve society of West Bandung District in health sector. It task and duty was crucial to the society so that work performance of the employee should be optimum. According to preliminary research, employees of Health Department stated their discontent and complain about several elements in the organization. This data referred to variable of psychological climate. Employee’s work motivation also apparently not been optimal in order to implemented their duty. According to this data, research to examine the effect of psychological climate to work motivation was conducted. Work motivation assessed by using goal setting theory since the employee was work to achieve the working plan. Research conducted by using hypothetico deductive approach with causalities research non experimental method. The data were collected by self report technique using two questionnaires, each for variable psychological climate and work motivation. Proportionate sampling method was used as the sampling technique in order to select participant from each stratum in representative proportion to population. Total participants were 61. Data was analyzed by SPSS 20 using simple linear regression. The result showed that both variables were positively correlated but the psychological climate was not affecting the work motivation of employee in Health Department of West Bandung District. The psychological climate was perceived as moderately favorable and work motivation was classified as moderate. According to the result, researcher constructs an intervention program that could improve both psychological climate and work motivation. For further research, researcher recommends to involve work/job attitude as an intermediate variable between psychological climate and work motivation.