Nutrition Counseling in Changing of Eating and Physical Activity Behavior in Overweight and Obesity Adolescent at Lab High School Bandung
Iis Rosita, Dewi Marhaeni. DH, Kuswandewi Mutyara
Universitas Padjadjaran, Seminar International AOCO
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Seminar International AOCO
adolescent obesity, nutrition counseling, Transtheoretical Model
Introduction: Based on Health Research Association of Indonesia in 2007, the prevalence of overweight in adolescent (9-14 years old) is 9.5% for boys and 6.4% for girls. Nutritional counseling by a behavioral approach is a way to reduce the prevalence of obesity with simple and secure for health. This aim of the research is to determine the effect of nutritional counseling, using Trans-theoretical Model, on total energy intake, fat, fiber and physical activity, and also to explore effort on changing. Method: The research design is a mixed methods the sequential explanatory strategy with case study approach. The research was done at SMA Lab School Bandung in January to February 2013. Students who are classified as overweight and obese are received 6 times frequency of face-to-face counseling, with interval in a week and duration of counseling was about 15-30 minutes. Stage of respondents based on the transtheoretical model was precontemplation, contenplation, preparation, and action. Result: There are 37 (7%) respondents was recruited based on students data in 2012. Significant effect of nutritional counseling was found on total energy intake, fat and physical activities (p < 0,05). However, nutritional counseling gave no effect on dietary fiber intake (p = 0.914). There were 24 respondents were categorized as precontemplation, contemplation 8 and preparation 4 before intervention. Whereas after the intervention the category was change into precontemplation become 2, contemplation 5, preparation 9 and action 20. Conclusion: Factors of favor to decline of energy and fat intake, increased physical activity, for the respondent is an awareness and self motivation. Efforts to reduce food in high carbohydrates and saturated fats, extra curriculum sports at school outside, improve day-to-day activities. Lack of effort on low fiber intake in this study relates to the characteristics of adolescents who prefer fast food and junk food, lack of family support inthe provision of food sources of fiber (vegetables and fruits), and also in the school canteen, school rules, and limited pocket money.