Soils Developed on Volcanic Materials in West Java, Indonesia
Rina Devnita, Mahfud Arifin, E. Hidayat Salim, Adjat Sudradjat, Ridha Hudaya, Eric Van Ranst
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of Arts and Sciences 3(9): 180-192 (2010)
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Journal of Arts and Sciences 3(9): 180-192 (2010)
andesit, andic, Andisol, basalt, Holocene, Pleistocene
Six profiles developed on volcanic materials were selected in West Java, Indonesia. Three profiles derived on andesit parent material from Holocene age, and three others derived on basalt parent material from Pleistocene age. The soils were described and analyzed for having the morphological, mineralogical, chemical and physical characteristics. Fieldwork and laboratory analyses were done, include the analyses with acid oxalate, phyrophosphate and X-Ray Diffractometer. The results showed that the soils developed on andesit parent materials have the lower pH and CEC than the soils developed on basalt parent material. Soils derived from Holocene age have different mineralogical composition than soils derived from Pleistocene age. However, all soils have C-organic lower than 20 %, bulk density lower than 0.9 g cm-3, P-retention higher than 85 %, and Al and Fe (extracted with acid oxalate) higher than 2 % and therefore, fulfilled the requirements for andic soil properties, and be classified as Andisols.