Correlation between Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Quality of life of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Bandung West Java Indonesla
Hartiah Haroen,Neti, Juniarti Desy Indrayani, Kusman Ibrahim, Anastasia Anna, Etika Emaliyawati
Universitas Padjadjaran, ICAAP IX 2009 Prosiding 9th International Congress on AIDS in ASIA and the Pasific (ICAAP)
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, ICAAP IX 2009 Prosiding 9th International Congress on AIDS in ASIA and the Pasific (ICAAP)
Anti-Retroviral Therapy, Care Support adherence
Background According to National AIDS Committe until December 2007 there are 24.086 people living with HIV/AIDS and only 58% still talking ART. Despte the desirable positive effect of theraphy there are some undersirable side, effects which lead to non adherence to theraphy finding the correlation between ART and Health related quality of life can provide valuable information in increace the ART adherence methodology. The cross sectional study to evaluate the correlation of ART to health related quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS. Data wew collected using the WHOOOL. Brief Indonesian version comparison of PLWHA on ART treatment for month and PLWHA not on ART. The relationship was analyzed by using pearson product moment correlation. Reslut 42 PLWHA on ART treatment for 6 month and 40 PLWHA not on treatment were recruited. The study found a significant correlation between ART and quality of life of PLWHA (r=0,415.p