Factors Influencing Nurses in Compliance with Hand washing in the Emergency and ICU Ciamis and Tasikmalaya Hospitals West Java
Rudi Kurniawan, Kusman Ibrahim, Purwo Suwignyo
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Keperawatan Unpad 3rd International Nursing Conference Bringing Current Research into bursing practice improving quality care ISBN 978-602-7571-00-6 2012
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Keperawatan Unpad 3rd International Nursing Conference Bringing Current Research into bursing practice improving quality care ISBN 978-602-7571-00-6 2012
compliance, handwasing, Health Belief Models (HBM)
Background. Hand washing is most activity importantly, firstly and main from standard precautions to prevent infection spreading. Standard Precautions are an effective means to protect patients and healthcare workers in controlling and preventing infection. Methods. This type of analytic study is a correlation with Cross Sectional design. Population subjects were 103 nurses working in the Emergency Room and Intensive Care Unit Ciamis and Tasikmalaya Hospitals. Based on rule of thumb, research subjects were 80 nurses working in the Emergency Room and Intensive Care Unit Ciamis and Tasikmalaya Hospitals. Data were collected using questionnaires filled out by respondents. Data were ,analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlation test followed by multivariate linear regression analysis. Variables that have a p value <0.05 means that the variable has a relationship with the dependent variable. If test assumptions of normality, multicollinearity homoscedascity and test are met, then the model can be used to predict the variable hand washing. Results.The results showed a variable perceived benefit (r = 0,372, p value 0.006) and perceives susceptibility (r = 0,487, p value 0.000) affect the variable hand washing. Largest ? value of 0.378 to the perceives susceptibility variable, so that the dominant variable affecting nurses in the application of hand washing. Conclusion. Perceived susceptibility is most influences nurse's hand washing.