The Agreement of the Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) and the Critical Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) in Critically ill Patient in Intensive Care Unit
Ayu Prawesti Priambodo, Kusman Ibrahim, Nursiswati
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding 3rd International Nursing Conference Bringging Current Research into Bursing Practice improving quality of care ISBN 978-602-7571-00-6 2012
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding 3rd International Nursing Conference Bringging Current Research into Bursing Practice improving quality of care ISBN 978-602-7571-00-6 2012
The behavioral pain assessment, The critical pain observational tool. Critical care unit and critically ill patients
Background. It is essential to use a standarlized and systematic pain assessment tool in order provide appropriate treatment and care to patients’ pain and discomfort. The Aim of this study is a evaluate the agreement of CPOT tool and BPS in measuring the pain level of the critically patients. Method An observational analytic study using A cross sectional design was used to find the agreement of the two pain scales. Pain measurement was conducted by observation using BPS and CPOT when patient at rest and when the patients were positioning. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon and Kappa Index. Result. The median score of pain in rest and positioning using methods of pain scale found that was significantly different (MeBPS rest =3, MeBPS positioning =6, MeCPOT istirahat =0, MeCPOT positioning =4, p<0.05). It is also found that BPS scale and CPOT are significantly correlated (p<0.05) with correlation value of 0.967 is rest position 0.7333 when positioning. The statistical analysis showed that BPS and COT were significant conformed (p<0.05). Conclusion CPOT or The critical pain observation tool is very useful measure the level of pain in critical and unconscious patient especially in general intensive unit.