Studi Tentang Kekerasan Korupsi Dalam Birokrasi Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat II Di Indonesia Sebuah Kajian Psikososial
Dr. Zainal Abidin, M.Si
Universitas Padjadjaran, Disampaikan Pada Temu Ilmiah Nasional Dan Kongres XI Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Surakarta, 18-20 Maret 2010
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Disampaikan Pada Temu Ilmiah Nasional Dan Kongres XI Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Surakarta, 18-20 Maret 2010
corruption, corruption behavior, law enforcement, perception of corrupti behavior, social norms, standards of living
This study intended to examine more deeply about the civil officer’s perception toward corruption, social norm, law enforcement , standards of living, and the effect of those variabels towards corruption. Samples are civil servants from 4 cities, that is Yogyakarta (164), Palangkaraya (140), Tegal (123), and Kupang (111). Data retrieval is done by Questionnaires and Focus Group Discussions. The quantitative data are statistically processed with descrriptive statistical techniques, ANOVA, and Linear Regression with SPSS 16.0 software support, while the qualitative data from FGDs were analyzed with coding qualitative methods. The conclusion drawn from this research are the perception of corruption, law enforcement, and social norms have an impact on the appearance of corruption behavior, but the perception of living standards does not contribute significantly to the emergence of corruption behavior. The recommendation from this study are : first, it is important to socialize the definition whether the certain behaviors are corruption or not with a clear and distinct definition. Second, the law enforcement and control social must be given as the negative reinforcement to extinct corrupt behavior, third, it is important to make a study with social culture as the ‘comprehensive factor’ for the corruption behavior.