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The Existence and Uniqueness of Scalar  In a System of Partial Differential Equation

The Existence and Uniqueness of Scalar  In a System of Partial Differential Equation
Nursanti Anggriani, Asep K Supriatna
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMs-1), Unisba, 19-21 Juni 2006,ISBN 978-979-16363-0-8, pp13-17
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMs-1), Unisba, 19-21 Juni 2006,ISBN 978-979-16363-0-8, pp13-17

In this paper we discuss a system of partial differential equations arising in an age structured epidemic model. We show the existence of scalar  satisfying a condition relating  and other parameters in the system.

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