The Effect of pH of Methaoxyethanol Solution to Structure and Magnetic Properties of CoFe2O4
Togar Saragi, N. Syakir, T. H. Nainggolan, C. Alboin, Risdiana
Universitas Padjadjaran, Book of Abstract Padjadjaran International Physics Symposium 2013 Contribution of Physics on Environmental and Energy Conservations
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Book of Abstract Padjadjaran International Physics Symposium 2013 Contribution of Physics on Environmental and Energy Conservations
coercive field, CoFe2O4, magnetic remnant, sol gel, uniaxial anisotropy field.
Cobalt ferrite oxide (CoFe2O4) have been successfully prepared by a sol gel method, using methaoxyethanol as a solution, diethanolamine as a catalis and Co(CH3COO2)2.4H2O, Fe(CH3COO2)2.92HO as a precursor for Co2+and Fe3+, respectively. The structure and morfology of crystal were measured by XRD and SEM/EDX. Magnetization and their hysteresis properties were measured by vibrating sample magnetometre to investigate remnant magnetization, coercive field anduniaxial anisotropy field. The quality of CoFe2O4 crystal increases by increasing the pH of methaoxyethanol solution. The magnetic properties also significantly depend on the values of pH of methaoxyethanol solution.Detail descriptions of effect of pH of methaoxyethanol solution to their structure and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 will be discussed.