The Selection Study of International Flight Route with Lowest Operational Costs
Warsito, Sudradjat Supian, Sukono
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical and Computer Sciences Jatinangor, October 23rd-24th , 2013
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical and Computer Sciences Jatinangor, October 23rd-24th , 2013
international flights, lowest operating costs, Modes of transportation, network analysis.
Mode of transportation is a very important requirement for human life. Because Humans in performing everyday life Often perform movements from one place to another place, good movement at close range and long distance. Aircraft is a prime choice today to make long-distance traveling, especially traveling cross-country (international). This has prompted many airline companies offer international routes. Ticket price competition has also occurred among airline companies, so that any airline should be able to control the aircraft operational cost management. The selection of these aircraft from the national airport to the international airport destination countries need to be considered with the lowest cost. In this paper, the selection of these aircraft with the lowest operating costs is done using network analysis. Results of the analysis are expected to provide an overview of how the selection of one of the methods with the aircraft operating costs lowest done.