Peers As The Agent Of Religious Deradicalization
M. Fadhil Nurdin, Yusar
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
deradicalization, peers, youth
This article was an endeavor to describe the arena of the education which aim to deradicalization, especially among the youth by their peer group. In previous research, the concept of the youth peer group is rarely considered in the context of the radical religious movement. Otherwise, in many cases, the youth is the main target of the radicalism and they often conducted to the radical religious movement Data collected based on several observations in experiments in the artificial scene of daily life. The youth found their way to give a sign of awareness of the radical religious movement. The peers become agents of religious deradicalization as their shared their world view of the diversity in their society. The sharing experiences then formed into the knowledge of being inclusive action as the agents to maintain the peaceful society in its diversities rather than the radicals who are causing the fracture of their community.