Bullous Pemphigoid Which Is Controlled By Dexamethasone 12 Mg/Day At Early Dose
Ammarilis Murastami, Ahmad Herrada Yusmindar, Armina Haramaini, Endang Sutedja, Hartati Purbo Dharmadji, Oki Suwarsa
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book & Abstract Role of Dermatovenerology in Environmental and Occupational Health Yogyakarta, October, 23-26, 2013 The Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel, 12th Asia-Pasific Environmental And Occupational Dermatology Symposium ( APEODS) in cunction with 13th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesia Society Of Dermatology And Venereology (PIT-PERDOSKI), www.apeods-pit2013.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book & Abstract Role of Dermatovenerology in Environmental and Occupational Health Yogyakarta, October, 23-26, 2013 The Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel, 12th Asia-Pasific Environmental And Occupational Dermatology Symposium ( APEODS) in cunction with 13th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesia Society Of Dermatology And Venereology (PIT-PERDOSKI), www.apeods-pit2013.com
Bullous pemphigoid, dexamethosone
Introduction. Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is chronic autoimmune vesicobulluos disease whisk is caracterized by subepidermal bullae. Diagnosis of BP can be made based on clinical, histophatological, and immunofluorescence examinations. The therapy of BP consist of three category; antiinflamatory, immunosupressan, and immunomodulator drugs. Topical and systemic corticosteroid are main therapy for BP. We present a case about BP which is controlled by dexamethasone 12 mg/day therapy at early dose. Case. A 74.years.old woman was admitted in dermatology ward of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital with blisters on both arms, back lower part of abdomen, and both legs. History taking, physical, microscopic, and routine laboratory examination, chest radiography, skin biopsy, and direct immunofluoresence were done. Discussion. The diagnosis of BP was made based on tense blisters after urticarial lesions appeared on both arms, back lower part of abdomen, and both legs three months prior. From histopathological examination there were subepidermal vesicobullous reactions. Direct immunofluoresence revealed immunoglobulin (Ig) G deposit at dermoepidermal junction. Patient was treated with intravenous dexamethasone therapy at dose 12 mg/day equal with 2mg/kgbw of prednisone. Improvement was seen on 15″ day of therapy, and there were no new lesions until the end of observation on day 55″.