HUBUNGAN ANTARA BERAT KUILT DOMBA GARAMAN, BERAT BLOTTEN DAN BERAT WET BLUE DENGAN LUAS KULIT JADI The relationship between Sheep Salty Leather Weight, Blotten Weight, and Wet Blue Weight with Leather Area
HUBUNGAN ANTARA BERAT KUILT DOMBA GARAMAN, BERAT BLOTTEN DAN BERAT WET BLUE DENGAN LUAS KULIT JADI The relationship between Sheep Salty Leather Weight, Blotten Weight, and Wet Blue Weight with Leather Area
Jajang Gumilar, S.Pt.,MM.
Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jajang Gumilar
blotten, leather area, salty, wet blue
Jajang Gumilar, S.Pt.,MM.
Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jajang Gumilar
blotten, leather area, salty, wet blue
The aims of this research were to found out a relationship between sheep salty leather weight, blotten weight, and wet blue weight with leather area. The method of this research was quasi-experiment, it used 2.291 pieces of priangan sheepskins that were classified in large sheepskin. It was devided in five groups, each group was processed from soaking until finishing. Leathers area were measured by SNI 06-0483-1989 method. The results indicated that there were significant correlation (P<0,5) between sheep salty leather weight, blotten weight, and wet blue weight with leather area. The greatest correlation on this research was shown by the wet blue weight with leather area (r = 0,916).
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