Dynamism Of Housewives In Villages As The Effects Of The Opening Of Physical Isolation
Mien Hidayat
activities, education opportunity, housewives, information exposure, Physical Isolation, Villages
The issue of this research is about the opening of territorial isolation which includes mobile activities, education opportunity, information exposure, and their effects toward decision making by housewives. The research is conducted in the Banten Province of Pandeglang Selatan County where just in the late 1970 had road infrastructure that freed the area from physical isolation.
Basic theory used to study the issue is Lerner’s Development Communication Theory as a development of Modernism. These theories are under Evolution Theory and Functional Theory as a basic philosophy in examining social changes happened in the research area.
Research method used is explanatory survey. Housewives are the research subjects. Data analyses is conducted by path analyses technique to find the amount of effects among main research variables.
The results of partial and simultaneous effect test show that the three main hypotheses proposed are verified. Mobile activities affect education, Mobility and education affect information exposure. Meanwhile mobility doe~ not affect decision making. Through trimming theory, education and information exposun: afft:ct decision making.