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Sintaningrum, Tomi Setiawan
Jurnal JANE (Jurnal Administrasi Negara)
Sintaningrum, Tomi Setiawan, Jurnal JANE (Jurnal Administrasi Negara)

In the autonomy era, the public’s service area ought to become more responsive to the public interest, where its paradigm changed to the service that more focus in various activities that its benefit was felt directly by the community, and in the sane time putting the aspect of empowerment of the community forward so as the public had the feeling had that was high towards service facilities that were developed together. The public’s service at this time was hoped better and efficient because : (1) the authority siza that was given to the government of the city /the regency to hold the government in the area, (2) the Regional Government more understood to the problem and the community’s local culture. Therefore, the basic assumption was the regency/the city was closer to the people who must be served, then it was natural if being given bigger authority to increase the public service in its area. With this assumption then had hope of the public’s service in the autonomy era of the area could be increased by its quality. Therefore to make the public’s service has a quality, the government already properly reformed the paradigm of the public service. This reform of the paradigm of the public’s service was the changing of the pattern of the implementation of the public’s service from that originally was oriented towards the government as the provider to the service that was oriented to the requirement for the community. In order to be able to fill the community’s wish, must reform the paradigm of the public’s service and the solution to the problem of the public’s service. Reformed the paradigm of the public’s service among them could be carried out through the formation of the model of the public’s service that in accordance with the development of the time where at this time the government was being in the decentralization era

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