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Non-Specific Infection (Bone and Ethambutol Scintigraphy / Contributed by Indonesia)

Non-Specific Infection (Bone and Ethambutol Scintigraphy / Contributed by Indonesia)
Hussein Kartamihardja, MD
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases

HISTORY A 63-years-old male with recurrent swelling and pain at the back of the right foot. FINDINGS Bone Scintigraphy. Three-phase bone scan was performed to rule out deep soft tissue infection from bone infection. Blood flow study showed increased tracer uptake at the back of the right foot (Figure 1), but there is no increased bone uptake in the same region on the delayed image (Figure 2). Bone scan revealed soft tissue infection (cellulitis) without any sign of osteomyelitis. Ethambutol Scintigraphy. Tc-99m Ethambutol scintigraphy (Figure 3) showed increased tracer uptake in the area which corresponds to the area of abnormality in the bone scan. Biopsy obtained granulated tissue from right back foot. The histopathologic finding showed negative for tuberculous infection.

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