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Primitive Peripheral Neuroectodermal Tumor (Bone Scintigraphy / Contributed by Indonesia)

Primitive Peripheral Neuroectodermal Tumor (Bone Scintigraphy / Contributed by Indonesia)
Hussein Kartamihardja, MD
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, E-Learning in Nuclear Medicine An Electronic Atlas of Interesting Nuclear Medicine Cases

HISTORY A 28-year-old male with seven months history of pathologic fracture with soft tissue swelling and pain in the upper left humeral area. FINDINGS Physical Examination. Bilateral axilla and neck lymphadenopathy. X-ray and Ultrasonography. The humeral X-ray revealed secondary bone tumor appearance and histopathology finding was equivocal. No lung and liver metastases based on Chest X-ray and Ultrasound. Bone Scan. Three-phase bone scintigraphy (BS) was performed, both vascular (Figure 1) and blood pool phase (Figure 2) showed increased tracer uptake at upper part of left humeral corresponding to the area of fracture and soft tissue swelling. The delayed image (Figure 3) showed two hot-spots: at the lower part of fracture area of left humeral and left parietal bone; and void area at the same level with fracture area which was surrounded by soft tissue swelling. Based on that finding, the pathologic appearance at the left humeral was considered to be primary bone tumor, while at left parietal bone as metastases lesion.

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