Optimalisasi Manajemen Usaha keripik Singkong Skala Industri Rumahtangga (Kasus pada UKM Hasil Tani Gunung Geulis dan Kesha Snack Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang)
Hepi Hapsari, Endah Djuwendah, Lies Sulistyowati
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Nasional 4th UNS SME's Summit & Award 2015 " Sinergitas Pengembangan UMKM dalam Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)" ISBN: 978-602-397-012-4 Sebelas Maret University Press
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Nasional 4th UNS SME's Summit & Award 2015 " Sinergitas Pengembangan UMKM dalam Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)" ISBN: 978-602-397-012-4 Sebelas Maret University Press
cassava chips, micro small business
This IbM partnered with Hasil Tani Gunung Geulis micro small business and Kesha Snack who produce cassava chips. The distance of partner’s location from UNPAD Jatinangor is around 3 Km. The problem faced by the partners is turnover that tends to decrease because of lack of capital, expensive raw materials, expensive labor, and low quality chips resulting on low selling price Ond limited marketing. They want to increase revenue, get assistance of capital, assistance of raw materials, assistance of equipment, improves product’s quality, expand marketing and recieve P-1RT certificate. IbM goal is to increase partner’s revenue through increasing knowledge and skills in business management, improvement of product quality, and P-IRT sertificate. Management activities are includes capital, processing, packaging, marketing, and accounting recording. The method that used is a participatory empowerment, which includes training, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation. Results achieved by partners: (1) better quality of products, (2) a more complete equipments, (3) food packaging standards, (4) Place for the production that is more clean and tidy, (5) increasing of capital from IbM soft loans, (6 ) wider marketing in RM Tahu Sumedang, (7) able to perform simple bookkeeping, (8) obtain the certificate of P-IRT.