Model Pengembangan Sistem Pangan Komunitas Lokal Melalui Revitalisasi Lumbung Desa Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Di Pedesaan
Imas Soemaryani
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding : Seminar Nasional Ke 3 Forum Manajemen Indonesia “Management : The Next Opportunity and Challenge From Competition To Collaboration 9-10 November 2001
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding : Seminar Nasional Ke 3 Forum Manajemen Indonesia “Management : The Next Opportunity and Challenge From Competition To Collaboration 9-10 November 2001
countryside mow, Food system, household food, local community, revitalisation
With Expansion and revitalisation of existence of countryside mow is expected can realize expansion of local community food system model so that availibility offood in level of adequate and competent household in turn can support and strengthens resilience of national food. Research Method applied in this study is. Exploratory survey. Data collected is data Cross Sectional. Data analysed is primary data and data skunder. Data source from opicial and members of countryside mow. Research four p’s in Kuningan district. Research time is started Thy’ Juny up to December 2009. Data analysis done in deskrifiif comparability and analysis countryside mow area. Result of research indicates that Pala consumption member of mow most of is not able yet to consider its the gizi content. Goods provided by countryside mow most of in the form of shell of rice ( paddy), with enough inventory. If happened lacking of trend to have recourse to government. Way of lending to relative members easy and service most of give each week. Local community food system Models can be done at one particular region that is small relative like, countryside, custom public, between countrysides. district, or sub-province. revitalisation of countryside mow is striving expansion of countryside mow towards which more modern without eliminating spirit and culture which has grown on in public.