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Economic and Social Rights TODAY: Developing and Developed Countries Perspective

Economic and Social Rights TODAY: Developing and Developed Countries Perspective
Editor: Atip Latifulhayat, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.,et al
Universitas Padjadjaran, Papers and Abstract Presented in the 1th Padjadjaran International Conference on Human Rights, December 10-12, 2012
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Papers and Abstract Presented in the 1th Padjadjaran International Conference on Human Rights, December 10-12, 2012

The issue of human rights has always been associated with civil and political rights. Consequently, violations of human rights are also associated with the violation of civil and political rights. In fact, human rights issues are also related to the fulfillment of economic and social rights. These rights, however, received little attention by both the scholars and human rights activists. On December 10-12, 2012, Indonesian Community for Human eights – PAHAM – as a centre of human rights in Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran organized the first International Conference on Human Rights, which focuses on the issue of economic and social rights. The conference brought together scholars, experts, and activists of human rights from Indonesia and foreign experts such as Australia, Norway, the United States of America, The main issues that were discussed and debated included justiciability of socio-economic rights, health and housing, socio economic rights of vulnerable and specific groups in ASEAN, indigenous peoples and socio-economic rights, the engagement of civil society in the promotion of economic and social rights in ASEAN among others. This book collects reviewed papers and abstracts that presented in the conference. The collection of these articles addresses the above issues and questions, provides analytical insights into persisting challenges and raises new questions significantly advancing the state of knowledge in our present legal order. To the scholars and experts who participated in the conference in Bandung and who have found the time and interest in discussing various aspects and issues of economic and social rights whose words can now be read and studied by the readers, I would like to express my deepest gratitude. Their works continues to be of value to those seeking to fully understand human rights especially economic and social rights.

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