Analgesic Activity Of An Essential Oil Of Sintoc (Cinnamomum sintoc BL.) Bark With The Writhing Method On Mice
Analgesic Activity Of An Essential Oil Of Sintoc (Cinnamomum sintoc BL.) Bark With The Writhing Method On Mice
Sri Adi Sumiwi, Anas Subarnas, Supriyatna, Rini Hendriani, Dwintha Lestari
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented at International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, 30-31 October 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented at International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, 30-31 October 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Analgesic, Essential oil, Sintoc
Sri Adi Sumiwi, Anas Subarnas, Supriyatna, Rini Hendriani, Dwintha Lestari
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented at International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, 30-31 October 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented at International Seminar on Chemistry 2008, 30-31 October 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Analgesic, Essential oil, Sintoc
A study on analgesic activity of an essential oil of sintoc (Cinnamomum sintoc BL.) bark was conducted on male mice using the writhing method with acetic acid 0.7% as a pain induction. The extract was given orally at doses of 0.02 mL/20 g, 0.01 mL/20 g and 0.05 mL/20 g of body weight. The result showed that each dose reduced writhing of mice significantly as compared with the control. The three doses gave protection percentage of 56.1%, 50.3% and 18.8% respectively. Their analgesic effectiveness percentage was 93.3%, 83.7% and 31.3% respectively, compared with aspirin. This study concluded that essential oil of sintoc barks had analgesic activity.
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