Ida Musfiroh, Mutakin Mutakin, Treesye Angelina, Muchtaridi Muchtaridi
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ida Musfiroh, Mutakin Mutakin, Treesye Angelina, Muchtaridi Muchtaridi, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
capsaicin analysis, Chili fruits., extract ethanol
The capsaicin level of the fruits is lead in hot taste of various type of Capsicum sp for seasoning or pharmaceutical purposes. The determination of capsaicin content of several of capsicum fruit has been conducted. The samples were collected from different area in Indonesia which consisted of twelve types of edible Capsicum. The fruits were extracted and analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography. The optimum condition of analysis was attained using a reversed phase system, with a mobile phase of acetonitrile – acetate acid 2% (6:4), a flow rate of 1.0 ml/minute and a detection wavelength (oA) of 280 nm using UV detector. The result of analysis showed that green paprika, yellow paprika, and red paprika contained no capsaicin, while chili tanjung, red chili, red gendot, green gendot, green curly, japlak rawit , red curly, red rawit and green rawit (cayenne) were 0.38; 0.83; 0.87; 0.88; 1.05; 1.09; 1.14; 1.85 and 2.11% (w/w), respectively.