Ahmad Sanoesi, 1888-1950: The Leading Figure of Al-Ittihadijatoel Islamijjah
Wawan Hernawan, Nina Herlina Lubis, Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria
Universitas Padjadjaran, TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, 6(1) October 2014 Minda Masagi Press Bandung and UNHAS Makassar, Indonesia ISSN 2085-0980 and website: www.tawarikh-journal.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, 6(1) October 2014 Minda Masagi Press Bandung and UNHAS Makassar, Indonesia ISSN 2085-0980 and website: www.tawarikh-journal.com
and Indonesia independence, Figure of Ahmad Sanoesi, Muslim organization movement, parliament, political educations
For his era, Ahmad Sanoesi was a much reckoned igure. His presence in a historical stage of indigenous or “pribumi” Muslim has colored Islamic movement, particularly the AII (Al-Ittihadijatoel Islamijjah or Islamic Unity). Although in its organization statute, AII focused its movement on education and social ields, political educations promoted by Ahmad Sanoesi have made AII was a very militant organization in West Priangan, particularly in Sukabumi, Bogor, and Cianjur. This research aims to ind out and uncover the authenticity of its movement. This is an important task in the era when global igure is idolized. Thus, it is very wise to scrutinize a local igure who has a big role in inding out its history of nationstate. By implementing a historical research, it was found that Ahmad Sanoesi has successfully engineered a Muslim organization ,namely the AII as a place to unite Muslim scholars or “kyai” around Sukabumi. Through his organization, Ahmad Sanoesi has successfully given solution for governmental policies that disadvantage the people. In addition, dialogues of Ahmad Sanoesi With Indonesia movement’s leaders and Japanese Occupation government have encouraged a new nationalism attitude among himself and others which are in his era considered to be very open and plural (non-religious and non-ethnic oriented). He was The one who promoted the idea of “imamat” or republic (for Indonesian State formation) to the BPUPKI (Badan Penyelidik dan Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia” or the Investigation Body for Preparing and Working the Indonesia Independence) assembly.