Moh Benny Alexandri, Teguh Iman Santoso
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, www.ijhssi.org
Moh Benny Alexandri, Teguh Iman Santoso, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
Bank Size, CAR, gdp, inflation, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), roa
Most banks in Indonesia as emerging market still rely on credit as the main income to finance their operations. But not all loans disbursed by banks are free of risk, some of them have a considerable risk and can threaten the health of the bank.NPL levels at Commercial Bank Indonesia over the past five years 1/1/2009-12/31/2013) shows a stable condition. But inversely proportional happen to the 26 Regional Development Banks (BPD), which NPL,since 2011 has continuously increased. It was reaching 3:49 % in June 2014 and was predicted to continue to rise. This study aims to study the influence of internal and external banks factors on the level of non-performing loans (NPL) in the Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia. This study is a quantitative research using panel data regression analysis with the study period from 2009 to 2013. The object of this study was 26 banks. Factors examined its effect on the NPL is a measure of a bank (SIZE), the capital adequacy ratio (CAR), the level of bank efficiency (ROA), the growth of gross domestic product (GDP), and the rate of inflation. Estimation model used is panel data models Random Effects Model (REM). The results of this study concluded that the level of efficiency of the bank (ROA) has a positive significant effect on NPL. The result of this study clearly warrant future studies.