Final Report Privacy : Personal Data Protection In Indonesia Global Understandings And Rights Development (Safeguard) Project
Dr. Sinta Dewi, SH., LL.M.
Universitas Padjadjaran, Joint Project Privacy Internasional ( United Kingdom) And Cyberlaw Centre, Faculty Of Law, University Of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia 2013
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Joint Project Privacy Internasional ( United Kingdom) And Cyberlaw Centre, Faculty Of Law, University Of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia 2013
Personal Data Protection
The use of smart phones and other mobile devices has created a lenient communication between individuals across the world. Consequently technology is growing at an exponential rate, with millions of new users going on line each year. It is unfortunately not followed by the growing awareness on the importance of the Internet access security. It can be seen from the majority of social media users who disclose their private information including telephone number or address. Furthermore, the absence of legislation or act concerning the protection of the right to privacy in Indonesia has resulted to trading data information (data breach) by insurance company or bank for the purpose of telemarketing. This situation has created distrust among community and of public authority in Indonesia.