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Asian Data Privacy Laws Trade and Human Rights Perspectives

Asian Data Privacy Laws Trade and Human Rights Perspectives
Author : Graham Greenleaf, Book Reviewer : Sinta Dewi Rosadi
Universitas Padjadjaran, Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 [ISSN 2460-1543] [e-ISSN 2442-9325], Publisher Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2014
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 [ISSN 2460-1543] [e-ISSN 2442-9325], Publisher Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2014

This book is written by Professor Graham Greenleaf, an expert in the field of privacy law from Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. This book compiles his research and advocacy in Asia’s privacy development since 1970, as well as his writings on Asian Privacy Development in Privacy Laws & Business International Report. This book is the result of his long collaboration with many privacy law experts from many States in Asia and has been published in numerous books and journals. The book is written because the author believes that privacy in its many forms is worth protecting as one of the rights protected under human rights laws. The author also believes that personal data has a high economic value, which leads to the book also examining the business aspects of the data privacy laws and the extent to which corporations take part in data privacy protection. This book comprehensively illustrates the historical development of data privacy protection in Asia and the length of influence that international law instrument has on Asian countries in the matters of privacy protection and regulation. The author then describes how privacy is put in a regulatory framework in 26 Asian countries and compares how those laws are applied in those countries. In the Global context, the data privacy laws has expand significantly and with around 101 countries implementing data privacy laws. Furthermore, since 2013 there are 12 jurisdictions in Asia that have regulated data privacy law. The exposure in this book is different from other books on similar topics because it attempts to explain privacy from two different aspects, which are business and human rights aspects.

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