Formulasi Dan Uji Stabilitas Dipercepat Kaplet Lepas Lambat Teofilin Menggunakan Matriks Metolose 90SR-4000SH (Laporan Akhir Penelitian Peningkatan Kompetensi Keilmuan Laboratorium Universitas Padjadjaran 2011)
Drs. Dradjad Priambodo., Apt., Dr. Marline Abdassah; MS., Apt., Yoga Windu Wardhana, M.Si., Apt., Richie A. I. Chandra, M.Sc., Apt.
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Padjadjaran
accelerated stability, extended-released dosage form, metolose 90sh-4000sr, Theophylline
Theophylline has relatively short half-time with narrow therapeutic index which is 10-20 pg/ml. For asthma, teophylline is needed for at least 5-8 pg/mL to reach the therapeutic effect and the toxic effect is reached at 15 pg/mL above. This condition causes the patient have to consume oftenly medicine to prevent asthma attacks. It is quite troublesome for the patients because sometimes they forget to consume the medicine for handling that problem we need an extended-release dosage form to mantain the therapeutic dose on the blood plasma for a long interval time. Many dosage firms widespread in the market commonly coated-tablet, but that has been produced with a long procedure and quite expensive. Recently, there is a brand new polymer from cellulose group that introduced generally for tablet coating but now can he used as a matrix for a extended-release dosage form. The polymer derived from Hydroxypropyl metvlcellulose is Metolose 905H-40008R. This kind of polymer is able to form high-viscosity hydrogel with a suitable solvent. Gel which is formed from the polymer physically restrain the active ingredient released on a short period. Through this study, presented a practically easy for using Metolose as the matrix of a binder in wet granulation method. Result from the study founded for efficient solution consistency for binder solution of the matrix gel of Metolose is 10%. In the manufacture process of the caplets, metolose as gel is used on low concentration at 4.5 — 5 % (18 — 20 mg of 400 mg as the total weight of the caplet) then from the preliminary study with water spray method. Qualities of the caplet are made has been compaired with similar form on the market. Its both shows similar quality such in terms of physics and profile of dissolution rate. The results of accelerated stability for two months showed yield of our caplets still have ability with no differences. When the accelerated stability followed. The changes can occur at 10.75 months for the caplet with Metolose 4.5% and after12.75 months for caplet with Metolose 5%.