Study of Potency Andstability of Amoxicillin Dry Syrup and Dry Injection after Reconstuted
Marline Abdassah, Insan Sunan K, Vani Nur Pratami
Universitas Padjadjaran, Oral Presenter : Pharma Tech 2012, International Converencc and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Tecnology, 20 - 21 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Convention Centre
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Oral Presenter : Pharma Tech 2012, International Converencc and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Tecnology, 20 - 21 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Convention Centre
Amoxicilin, Dry injection, Dry syrup, Escherichia coli, Reconstituted, Staphylococcus aureus
Amoxicillin dosage formalso available in dry syrup and injectable dosage dry.This Dosage forms should be reconstituted before used and should be used it right away, this suspension can not be stored for long time just for certain period time. In this study has been carried out observations on the storage time of the stocks in terms of stability and potencyof amoxicillin dosage form that has been reconstituted at a temperature of 0 C for storage of dried injection and 40C for dry syrup. The result showed the amoxicillin injection dosage and syrup has been reconstituted no change both color and odor, and a decline in pH during 96 hours of storage. Amoxicillin content in dry Injection and dry syrup decreased during storage levels were measured using HPLC. Observations also showed that the reduction potential (%) both injection and dry syrup after reconstituted against Escherichia coli after 96 hours of storage of 90.21% and 94.2%.respectively. While the decline in potency (%) and injectable dosage amoxicillin syrup after reconstituted against Staphylococcus aureus after 9p hours of storage, respectively, 80.69% and 92.49%.respectively The results of the research that has been done showed that the influence of storage time and potential injection dosage is degreased more than amoxicillin syrup .