Representation Of Hedonism In A Song Bangun Tidur Semiotics Analysis Of Roland Barthes To The Representation Of Hedonism In A Song Bangun Tidur By Mbah Surip
Purwanti Hadisiwi, Jenny Ratna Suminar
Universitas Padjadjaran, Research Is Presented in 11th Indonesia Malaysia Culture Symposium Bandung, November 10th - 12th 2009
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Research Is Presented in 11th Indonesia Malaysia Culture Symposium Bandung, November 10th - 12th 2009
A Song Bangun Tidur, Mbah Surip, music, Semiotics Analysis
Music and song is a universal language because almost for sure every human being in their life is connected with music and song. Song as a media which is universal and effective can transfer idea, message, and writer’s expression to the listeners through lyrics, music composition, music instrument’s choice, and the way the musician plays it. Ideas of a song can be an expression of love, protests, anger, anxiety, etc. All of those are framed with beautiful words, poetical, etc. It seems that lyric is a dominant factor in delivering message as a part of song that eventually is enjoyed by the listeners. Music that contains text (song lyrics) will communicate several concepts. One of the concepts is telling a story of something, bring a writer’s memory and experience, and make some comments or public opinions. Music is used as a writer’s tool to deliver idea (message) what the writer feels. Interaction between music and lyric in a song text is often become an important contributor in a whole mechanism of this system.