New Media In Health Communication In Indonesia
Purwanti Hadisiwi
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
Health communication, health literacy, media literacy, new media
Levels of high usage of new media in Indonesia does not necessarily describe the real conditions for fulfilling the information needs of users and the accessibility of information most of the Indonesian population living in rural areas with educational level, and low socioeconomic conditions. The tendency to use new media activities that are less useful or inability to access information that is needed is a real picture of Indonesian society today. although most doctors in big cities such as Jakarta are already using the Internet to obtain health information, on the other hand the other internet users access the internet to discuss minor desease such as acne and warts. Meeting the needs of health information is one problem that must be overcome, given the health is a basic human need. Government efforts to deliver health information through the old media and new media have not been able to touch the most people. Without prejudice to the role of new media in various fields, the role of old media are more accessible, eventhough both print and electronic communication in health are often less effective because it is not attractive, exaggeration, or even over simplified. It will take the role of interpersonal communication with the patient’s physician with respect to the level of media literacy and low health literacy. With educational and mentoring efforts of various parties, it is expected that communities with low health literacy be helpful in obtaining health information from a variety of media, especially new media that is more efficient, quality and easily accessible.