Mapping the Regional Potentials of Public Private Partnership in West Java Province, Indonesia
Budiman Rusli, Riki Satia Muharam
Universitas Padjadjaran, The Asian Conference on Business & Public Policy 2014 Official Conference Proceedings
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The Asian Conference on Business & Public Policy 2014 Official Conference Proceedings
partnership, Private, public
Mapping regional potentials is attractive to study, among others as a material in developing a partnership between the government and private sector. What is mapping regional potentials ? What are its goals, and what is its status ? The questions were dealt with in the current paper. It containded on Mapping the Regional Potentials of Public Private Partnership in West Java Province, Indonesia. The paper was composed of three parts : first, Introduction, discussing the importance of mapping the regional potentials and the strategic role of such mapping for Public Private Partnership. Second, discussion, discussing the regional potentials in 27 sub-districts of West Java Province as a reference in developing regional partnerships between West Java Province and both Municipalities/District/Provinces domestically and abroad in form of sister city/twin city and private sector in order to resolve any problems and enhance the welfare of West Java Province citizens. And Third, Conclusion. It is hoped that the materials presented in the paper may generate a olexper understanding on Mapping the Regional Potentials of Public Private Pirmership in West Java Province, Indonesia.