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Effect of an organic template in the morphology and microstructure of nano alumina

Effect of an organic template in the morphology and microstructure of nano alumina
Rifki Septawendar, Soesilowati, Diana Rakhmawaty Eddy
PSBJ Unpad Jatinangor
Rifki Septawendar, Soesilowati, Diana Rakhmawaty Eddy, PSBJ Unpad Jatinangor
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Many methods have been proposed to prepare nano oxide materials; one of them is using organic templates. In this study, investigation on the effect of an organic template in the morphology and microstructure of nano alumina was conducted using a scanning electron microscope. Meanwhile, an organic template used was technical grade disachcharide. Aluminum salt solution was mixed with disachcharide compoud at various weight concentrations, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w). The mixture was then heated at 100°C producing caramel precursors. The precursors were calcined at 900°C for 5 hr. The final products were then characterized by XRD and SEM. XRD results show that two dominant phases of alumina are formed in every alumina sample, namely a- and g-Al2O3. SEM images show that after calcination treatment of alumina samples at 900°C, alumina without template has a homogenous morphology and larger particles ranging from 100 to 300 nm in size, whereas alumina with various template concentrations have a homogenous morphology and smaller particle sizes below 100 nm.

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