Development for Urban Poor Housing ( Sociology and Welfare Development)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
This chapter discusses urban housing reform in Penang has dramatically changed the urban landscapes and has impacted the social dynamic. In addition, it has also contributed to the uneven effect on urban housing population. While the living standard of a significant proportion of urban residents has improved, a sizeable group of households has been left behind and became a new social class – the urban poor. There is a close association between poverty and housing needs. Along with job security, housing is the most important element of the social welfare system. In this, the linkage between urban poverty and housing has been largely overlooked. The major concern of this paper is on coping strategies of the urban poor in transition and the associated problem of urban poverty due to the non-affordable housing. This paper aims to look into the social development changes brought forward in Penang, mainly on the Island as well as focusing on the problem of urban poor and low-income communities in Penang.