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Baitul mal wat tamwil: A Sociological and Social Welfare Movement?

Baitul mal wat tamwil: A Sociological and Social Welfare Movement?
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)

Unification of development based on modernization – that disseminated by the western world, it has not been successful to the welfare of developing countries. Unification of the development pattern of coercion ‘modern lifestyle’ was evidently not applicable to another countries that has the problems are different. Actually, it is “backfire” and make the higher gap between developed and developing countries. However, every person and nation must survive. Forced by situations that occur, each developing countries, with different strategies trying to capitalize on its strengths to the welfare of its people. Therefore, due to the complexity and diversity of the social problems that must be addressed, and people have to survive. Naturally, the local born leader/ entrepreneur indeginoeus trying to meet the needs of himself and the surrounding communities. They are individuals who are embarrassed to see injustice and hopes on government assistance. Growing awareness that every society has the potential, the open flow of information between individuals and increasingly interlinked in different parts of the world, are the things that trigger the growth of movements of social problemsolvers / fulfilling the needs of the community that became known as the Social Entrepreneur of this. This movement grew out of conditions that do not get better and the situation is not also prosper. From year to year, the movement is increasingly in different parts on the world, and not least in Indonesia which has the fifth largest population in the world and has the world’s largest Moslem. One representing the spirit of this movement is the movement of Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT), which institutes Shari’ahbased microfinance community. Since 1995 in Jakarta, the BMT movement, now has its appearance in almost all provinces in Indonesia. As a communities movement, and then within twenty-five years to expand throughout Indonesia, of course this is something interesting. This chapter, will explore the development, impact and challenges of BMT movement in Indonesia. They also shelled carrying capacity as well as a threat to the existence of BMT in Indonesia.

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