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Environmental Participation among Youth: Challenges, issues and motivating factors

Environmental Participation among Youth: Challenges, issues and motivating factors
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)

Environmental sustainability is one such key issue that is growing in concern amongst the global youth community. The United Nations, in 2011, has propagated the need for youth to take action on environmental problems via programs or policy-making as environmental de-gradation and resource depletion caused by human activity will exacerbate poverty and inequality levels in the future. This chapter studies investigates the motivating factors for youth to participate in environmental programs as well as challenges and issues which prevent their involvement in such programs. Youth are defined as aged 15 to 18, which is within the United Nations’ definition of youth. The study reviews the overarching concept of youth participation and delves specifically into participation of the young in environmental programs by reviewing cases of successful programs from around the world. The study then identifies and analyses factors which motivate youth participation and citizenship and challenges that prevent their involvement. These factors and challenges are then related with youth participation in environmental conservation activities from the experiences of case studies from around the world. The findings discuss the three categories of factors which motivate youth based on the Centres of Excellence for Youth Engagement Youth Participation Model, namely self, societal and system as well as issues which affect the intensity of participation of youth in conserving the environment based on a review of existing literature and case studies.

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