The Delivery System of Education Programs
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
This chapter discusses on education as fundamental for the development of prosperous society. It is in fact serves as a critical platform for the development of any society. The Malaysian government has implemented many educational programs in order to help improve rural education, including in Baling, Kedah. However, the involvement of students and parents in the existing education programs is still lacking. The involvement of the parents and students is a question as to whether the parents are well informed about the programs. In addition, questions also arise as to whether the government agencies have provide good delivery system of information to the parents and schoolstudents in Baling? This issue is critical in order to ensure effective delivery system of the rural education programs for the Baling children.