Teknologi Hemat Air (IPAT-BO) Dan Pupuk Organik Berbasis Kompos Jerami Dan Pupuk Bio Untuk Mitigasi Gas Metan, Memulihkan Kesehatan Lahan Sawah, Meningkatikan Pertumbuhan Produktlvitas Berbagai Varietas Padi Sawah
Prof. Dr. Tualar Simarmata, Ir., MS., Prof. Dr. Yuyun Yuwariah AS., Ir., MS., , Dr. Mieke Roehimi Setiawati, Ir., MP
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran
mitigasi gas metan, mitigation of methane gas emission, paddy growth and yield., Pertumbuhan dan hasil padi, Rice varieties technology, Teknologi Hemat Air. varietas padi, water saving management
Metan merupakan emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) yang terus diproduksi oleh lahan terutama padi sawah. Ekosistem pengelolaan air yang tergenang disinyalir pemicu meningkatnya produksi gas metan. Budidaya Padi sawah membutuhkan air, sedangkan akhir-akhir ini keberadaan sumberdaya air sernakin Menurun. Suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui karakteristik perturnbuhan dan hasil beberapa varietas padi akibat Teknologi Hemat Air (THA) IPAT-BO telah di lakukan kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Unwim,dari bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2012. Percobaan ini. menggunakan rancangan petak terbagi (split pot) yang diulang 3 Kali. Sebagai petak. utama THA 4 taraf model THA, yaitu tergenang, Macak-macak A, B, C dan anak petak adalah 4 varietas padi yaitu Famawati, Ciherang, INPARI 13 dan Sintanur, uji lanjut menggunakan uji LSD taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Terjadi perbedaan antara THA IPAT-BO dengan varietas padi terhadap penumbuhan (tinggi tanaman umur 30 HST, 50 HST, Jumlah anakan umur 30 HST), komponen hasil dan hasil (Bobot 1000 butir gabah dan Bobot Gabah Kering panen (GKP) Per Rumpun), 2. Varietas Fatmawati pada THA (IPAT-BO) Macak- -macak A, menunjukkan tinggi tanaman (umur 30 HST, 50 HST) tertinggi, jumlah (30 HST) terendah dan bobot GKP per rumpun tertinggi; .3.THA (IPAT BO) Macak-macak A pada varietas Fatmawati dapat meningkatkan hasil dan mitigasi emisi metan dengan nilai Indeks hasil padi berbanding Emisi (IHE) Gas metan ter tinggi , (273.00)
Methane is a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that continuously produced by argiculture, especially paddy field. Ecosystem continuous flow water management allegedly triggers the increased production of methane gas. The concentration of methane gas emissions that keep on increase in the atmosphere cause global warming with all the consequences of the changes. Rice cultivation requires water. whereas lately the presence water resources are deelining. Thus. the comprehension of high paddy yield and mitigation of methane gas emission (index yield – methane gas emissions = IYE) is required, to improve the efficiency of water utilization in accordance with the crop needs as well as mitigation of methane gas emission. Research on Water Saving Technology (WST) SOBARI on rice varieties has been carried out in the experiment field at UNWIM Faculty of Agriculture, on Mei to August 2012. Using a split plot design, that repeated three times. The main plots were four varieties of rice (Fatmawati, ciherang, Inpari 13 and Sintanur) and the subplot is WST (continuously flow; Saturated A, B and C), with further testing LSD 5%. The results showed that: 1. Between WST SOBARI with rice varieties had different variation to plant growth (plant height age 30 DAT, 50 DAT, number of tillers aged 30 DAT), yield component and yield (weight of 1000 grains and Harvest Dry Grain Weight per Clump); 2. Fatmawati variety and WST (SOBARI) saturated A, showed the highest plant height (age 30 DAT, 50 DAT), the lowest number of tillers (30 DAP) and the weight per clump; .3. WST (SOBARI) Saturated A on Fatmawati variety increase paddy yield and mitigation of methane gas emission with Index yield -methane gas emissions = IYE (273.00).