Effect Of Water Level Management On Yield Of Lowland Rice In SOBARI System
Merry Antralina , Yuyun Yuwariah, Tualar Simarmata
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding International Symposium on Sustainability Science Bandung Understanding Climate Change Phenomena For Human Well Being Sept 8-10 2014 Campus Of University Padjadjaran ISBN : 978-602-72141.0-1
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding International Symposium on Sustainability Science Bandung Understanding Climate Change Phenomena For Human Well Being Sept 8-10 2014 Campus Of University Padjadjaran ISBN : 978-602-72141.0-1
SOBARI System, Water level management, yield of rice
Research aimed to study effect of water level management on yield of lowland rice in System of Organic – Based on Controlled Aerobic Rice Intensification (SOBARI) had been conducted in lowland Group Farmers Sadang Mukti, Sadang Sari BaIeendah, Bandung West Java with altitude of 668 m above sea level. The experiment was conducted since April 2013 until July 2011. Research used experimental methods, with Randomized Block design with three replications. The water level management treatment consisting of four water level managements, namely : A – moldy where re-filled when the soil water level had dropped to -15 cm below the soil surface, B = moldy where irrigation re-filled when the soil water level had dropped to -10 cm below the soil surface, C – moldy where irrigation re-filled when the soil water level had dropped to -5 cm below the soil surface, D needed water management 3-5 cm above the soil surface (conventional). The results showed that: to mitigate CH4 from rice field and increase the number of grain per panicle and yield of rice plants, the planting can be done with a water level management moldy, where irrigation re-filled when the soil water level had dropped to -5 cm below the soil surface.