Weed Identification On Rice Cultivation Of Sobari System
Merry Antralina, Yuyun Yuwariah, Tualar Simarmata
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding of 24th Asian-Pasific Weed Science Society Conference October 22-25, 2013 Bandung Indonesia “ The Role of Weed Science in Supporting Food Security by 2020
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding of 24th Asian-Pasific Weed Science Society Conference October 22-25, 2013 Bandung Indonesia “ The Role of Weed Science in Supporting Food Security by 2020
Plant spacing, SOBARI, Water level management
The experiment was aimed to identify the dominant weed species in order to determine the weed control program on rice cropping System Organik Base Controlled Aerob Rice Intensification Technology (SOBARI). Aplication of combination four water level management on two plant spacings were performed. The water level managements were – 20 cm, -15 cm, -10 cm. – 5 cm water level below the soil surface and plant spacing were 30 x 25 cm and 30 x 30 cm. The weed control in each treatment was carried out both mechanic and manually by hand The result of the weed inventory indicated that six species weeds were found at the land prior to the treatment, there were of four species of broad leave groups, namely: Manochoria vaginalis, Ludwigia octovalvis, Alternanthera sp dan Miarsilea crenata and two species of the grasses groups namely : ischaemum rugosum. and Cy,nodon dactylon, At the beginning of the experiment the land was dominated by Ischaemum ragosum (12,62%), Cynodon dactylon (31.55%), Monocharia vaginalis (32.62%). 30 days after planting (DAP) in all treatment combinations of level water management and plant spacing showed that the dominant weed were, Monochoria vaginalis. Ludwigia octovalvis, Alternanthera sessilis (L) from the class of broad loaves, Echicocloa cruss-galli, ischaemum rugosum. and Panicum repens from the class of the grass