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Pengelolaan Air Dengan Metode IPAT-BO Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Padi Sawah

Pengelolaan Air Dengan Metode IPAT-BO Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Padi Sawah
Tien Turmuktini, Tualar Simarmata, Yuyun Yuwariah, Mieke Setiawati
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Antarbangsa ke 5 “ Ekologi, Habitat Manusia dan Perubahan Lingkungan di Alam Melayu “, Badan Penerbit Universitas Riau (UR Press) 2012, ISBN 978-979-792-332-7
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Antarbangsa ke 5 “ Ekologi, Habitat Manusia dan Perubahan Lingkungan di Alam Melayu “, Badan Penerbit Universitas Riau (UR Press) 2012, ISBN 978-979-792-332-7
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The rapid extent in rice production which is a major fond crop in Indonesia has not been able to keep pace with surging demand needs of the community. Global warming problem also trigger the change to declining water availability existence, whereas the major rice production centers in Indonesia are derived from irrigated fields, therefore, required an effort of water-saving cultivation technique that ,sustainability remains adequate availability of rice. Research on the water saving management with SOBARI method was conducted from June to October 2011 the experiment field Winaja Mukti University Sumedang using a split plot experimental design, the main plat is the management of water with 4 stage water treatment, namely: a1: flood (water high + 3 cm to + 5 cm, age 0 DAP until 100 DAP): a2: Muddy A (water high + 0 cm to -2 cm, age 0 DAP until 100 DAP); a3: Muddy B (water high + 0 cm to -2 cm, age 0 DAP until 100 DAP, except + 0 cm to 5 cm, age 36 DAP until 42 DAP); a4: Muddy C (water high + 0 cm to -2 cm , age U DAP until 90 DAP, except + 0-cm to 5 cm, age 36 DAP until 42 DAP). As a subplot are 3 varieties of rice. Fatmawati, Mekongga and Ciliwurig, repeated 3 limes and further testing with LSD at 5% level. The result were: 1. No interaction between water management and varieties for plant height and grain yield 2. Water management independently effect the paddy yield (wet grain per clump) while the varieties effect on plant height (20 DAP until 50 DAP) and paddy yield (wet grain per clump). Muddy A and Muddy B water management produced highest yield per clump equivalent to 7.05 t ha-1 and 7.40 1 ha-I. Fatmawati variety produce the highest plant height cord paddy yield (wet grain per clump) highest equivalent to 7.431 ha-I.

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