Urban Poverty and Housing
Urban Poverty and Housing
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
This chapter discuss on the major concern on urban poverty, housing needs and housing issues in Penang, Malaysia. Issues on homeownership, policies, and program had been addresses. In addition, some feedback from the high lever person related to housing industries had been reviewed and been discussed in this paper too. From the perspective of social work, a better policy, and program need to be implement. This is important in order to ensure the evolution of housing development in Penang will fit in the Penangites for a short term and even for the long term period.
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