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Youth and Crime

Youth and Crime
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Penerbit Samudra Biru (Member of IKAPI)

Thischapter focus on the psychosocial aspect of youth who involve in crime and their perception towards the rehabilitation programme at Tunas Bakti School in Penang, Malaysia. Basically, this research will explain the psychosocial aspect of youth who involve in crime such as cognitive, social, physical, spiritual and psychological. The researcher wants to explore the relationship between the psychosocial aspect and the involvement of youth in crime. Besides that, this research is also aim to explore the youth perception towards the rehabilitation programme. The objective of this research are to identify whether the psychosocial aspect do influence the youth to involve in crime and the second objectives of this research are to find out whether the rehabilitation programme is appropriate or via versus. The researcher employs qualitative techniques in this research and a total of eight respondents have been interviewed in this research. Based on the research finding, a total of eight respondents’ admit their involvement in crime is influenced by the psychosocial aspect such as cognitive, social, physical, spiritual and psychological. Meanwhile, most of the respondents’ of this research indicate that the rehabilitation programme is not appropriate. This research is very important to social work practice because based on the research findings the researcher will indentified the appropriate programme and services for the youth who involve in crime. In addition, based on the research findings, the researcher will indentified the appropriate intervention for the youth who involve in crime. Hence, at the end of this study, the researcher suggest that the parent’s or caregiver should play an very important role in order to make sure their children is not involve in crime.

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