Indri Indarwati, Azlinda Azman and Muhamad Fadhil Nurdin
School of Social Sciences, USM
Indri Indarwati, Azlinda Azman and Muhamad Fadhil Nurdin, School of Social Sciences, USM
The focus of this article is on the development of social exclusion models and the empowerment strategies for the female head of households in the urban fisherman in North Jakarta Indonesia. The concept of social exclusion appeared in 1995 and focused on the causes and social impact as well as expand the analysis of poverty. Social exclusion is a process or situation that prevents an individual or group for a full role in the decision-making environments, economic barriers, limited access to social institutions and culture. In the life of the female head of households, social exclusion refers to the problem of poverty is experienced not only in economic hardship, but also there is discrimination including the patriarchal culture and other types of life burden. This qualitative study employs in-depth interviews of 10 respondents and a series of focus group discussions with 20 respondents in order to understand better about the problems of social exclusion experienced by the female head of households. Study findings have indicated that the causes or dimensions of social exclusion have became develop from three dimensions namely political, economic and social into four dimensions and add with the culture. Based on the findings of the dimensions of social exclusion are developing into five, namely social exclusion on the religious activity. The impact of the activity of social work is necessary empowerment strategy for the increase of social welfare of the female head of households.