Welfare Development In Social Work Practicum: Collaborating Issues And Challenges
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin
Centre for Socioglobal Studies Padjadjaran University
H. M. Fadhil Nurdin, Published By Centre for Socioglobal Studies Padjadjaran University
The welfare concept and development have the wider meaning and has been widely criticized. The welfare development can be to focus in social work practicum. As in many schools of Social Work, we have examined how collaboration USM-UNPAD Model based on students experience in community practicum. This activities as main curriculum in social work education had an impact on learning in meaningful ways for students during a six‐week alternative student’s placement. The wider context in this collaboration has impact to relation between faculties, universities and both countries. We investigated cognitive and affective learning moments during a collective play community development unit. Participants’ recorded responses indicate that using models in this process to address social development issues created a conducive and rewarding learning environment.