Data Privacy : Legal Protection And Model Regulation In Indonesia
Dr. Sinta Dewi
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented In International Association Of It Lawyers Conference Bangkok, October, 2013
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented In International Association Of It Lawyers Conference Bangkok, October, 2013
Government, Model Regulations, Personal Data, Privacy, Private Companies
Personal data privacy has not been obtained high protection nor specifically regulated yet in Indonesia due to cultural factors and lack of understanding of either government, private companies and individuals. However, within the last five years it is noted that the people of Indonesia has become more aware. of their data privacy since their personal data collected, distributed and shered without their consent both by the government for the purpose of Electronic Identity Program. Moreover, private companies especially in the banking sector, i.e. banks and their co-ventures tend to committed violations by using and disseminating customers? personal data without the consent of the respective customers. Until now, there is no specific law regulating the use of personal data in indonesia, provided however, from the international and regional practices, many countries have regulated data privacy either sectoral car comprehensive. Meanwhile, Indonesia still have to determine which model of arrangement is appropriate to implement in order to protect the interests of all parties concerned.