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The Impact Of Social Media Networking On Privacy Protection In Indonesia

The Impact Of Social Media Networking On Privacy Protection In Indonesia
Dr. Sinta Dewi
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 3rd Asia Privacy Network Conference, University Of Hong Kong, 8-9 July, 2013
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, The 3rd Asia Privacy Network Conference, University Of Hong Kong, 8-9 July, 2013

The rapid growth of information and communication technology has led to various opportunities and challenges. One area that is fostered by the development of information technology is the active interaction between the individual and the service provider. Various sectors of life have made use of information systems such as trade (e-commerce), transportation, industry, tourism, public administration (e-government) and financial industry (e-payrnent). The scope of information technology systems including the collection (collect), storage (store), process, production and delivery from and to industry or the public, promptly and effectively. It is also driven by the development or internet technology that has a global character arid crossing national borders so that intcrnet users can communicate interactively. Yet, nowadays the information technology has changed the way people communicate, for example as shown on social networking sites like Facebook, My space and Twitter. At first, Facebook is used only to establish communication among people with a remote distance. But in its development, it is now used as media for various activities, for instance as media functions for trading tools, like advertising, Besides, facebook is also a very effective tool to make connections and social interactions, sending messages and comments, making friends, joining in certain communities like profession, work, school, city, region, and also finding old as well as new friends. In addition to the main facilities as mentioned, there are still many more facilities offered by that site, either formal or non-formal.

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